After spending most of your time and resources building up your web site or web portal, here comes the most important thing to do in the life of your website, getting a web hosting package! Or in someone else word, getting a shelter for your site.
By getting a web hosting, that means you are going to pick a comfortable home for your web site files so that the files will live and stay conveniently and serve you well as a beneficial website. Also through the comfortable home, your web site files are able to reach millions of users through the facilities expanding from the home (for example Giga-bytes of internet connections serve like the highway to the colse to city, garage electricity supply serves as the petrol fuel for your car and etc).
There are indubitably many developers in building up those kinds of shelters (which refers to the web host providers), and it is your take to pick the best one, just like how you pick your living home. It must be comfortable, convenient, safe and affordable. Same thing goes to picking a home for your website files: - comfortable (a lot of space), favorable (good connections to the internet), safe (Ssl encrypted & hacker free) and lastly affordable (good pricing)

You have many approaches in identifying the best host, some read web host review, some naturally google "web hosting" and engage the first top ranking host, some throw the question on forum and etc. In fact, my advent in manufacture the decision is by reading user reviews and request population in forum. Those are group places where lies and sales talk hardly survive.
Albeit you can indubitably get the acknowledge from forums, I encourage you to do researches on the hosting you are getting. What services does the host offer? This is just like checking your house premise (whether it has water heater, is fully furnished, or come with solar panels, etc) before manufacture a down payment.
After getting the account, all things should be in place indubitably as web host nowadays is designed for beginners and it is extremely user-friendly. So make sure you originate the portfolio accordingly under group Html folder. By using Ftp software, you can mange your files easily.
Learn to Host Your Website Like an specialist